Khan Academy!
Hi guys Ashrita here and today I am going to be talking about this website called khan academy (shout out to them). It is a website where you learn how to use codes for example ellipse(_,_,_,_) and that would be circles and for rectangle is rect(_,_,_,_) so that would spawn in rectangles. There's more to that too! If you want to try it out I will leave a link to it at the bottom ok. Right down below I am going to be showing you my creations.
Here I like to call a mutated duck
And this I call a half done snowman :P
Here is a demo that shows you how to use more codes
Here's a snowman with arms wow look at that (kinda boring I know)
Look a derpy snowman O_O
And look at that a little brown monkey that looks like me(have to admit)
So guys I think that was it if you want to learn more here's a link.