
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Khan Academy!

Khan Academy!
Hi guys Ashrita here and today I am going to be talking about this website called khan academy (shout out to them). It is a website where you learn how to use codes for example ellipse(_,_,_,_) and that would be circles and for rectangle is rect(_,_,_,_) so that would spawn in rectangles. There's more to that too! If you want to try it out I will leave a link to it at the bottom ok. Right down below I am going to be showing you my creations.
Here I like to call a mutated duck
And this I call a half done snowman :P
 Here is a demo that shows you how to use more codes
Here's a snowman with arms wow look at that (kinda boring I know)
Look a derpy snowman O_O
And look at that a little brown monkey that looks like me(have to admit)

So guys I think that was it if you want to learn more here's a link.


  1. What a great explanation you have shared. I like how you have shown the stages of your coding and how your drawings became more and more detailed. Hopefully you will be able to explore coding more and use it for different things.

  2. hello joseph here I liked your screenshots
    of coding it was so fun i sometimes do it at home
    Im trying to make a good snowman anyways blogya later


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